Northern Lights United Methodist Parish

Jesus loves you
Are you looking for a church in this area that’s right for you? Try us out and you’ll see that our vision is to have
Open Hearts,
Open Minds,
and Open Doors.
-The people of The United Methodist Church
Our Mission
The Northern Lights Parish is a two church parish. Member churches are Fleming United Methodist Church and McGregor United Methodist Church.
The Northern Lights Parish will covenant to serve the churched and unchurched people of our area; providing a coordinated presence that will effectively convey the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action to its ministry area and beyond.
Directions to Our Churches
Fleming UMC is located between Aitkin and McGregor on County Road 5; one mile north of State Hwy. 210 in Minnesota.
McGregor UMC is located on the junction of Albert St. and 1st Ave. in McGregor, Minnesota.
Sunday Worship Services are held in each Church:
Fleming UMC at 10:30 AM
McGregor UMC at 8:45 AM
Any additional services will be announced in our bulletins and in our newsletters.
Check out our monthly newsletter publication for parish news along with current and upcoming events!
Call the NLP Office at 218-768-3331 or Toll Free 877-768-3331 or email to get your name added to our mailing list.
Sunday School class at Fleming UMC during the school year at 9:15 am
Bible Study Tuesdays each week at McGregor UMC at 1:30 p.m.​
Contact the Northern Lights Parish Office
Our mailing address is Northern Lights Parish, PO Box 98, McGregor MN 55760. We are located at 99 South 1st Street in McGregor, Minnesota.
Call the NLP Office at 218-768-3331 or Toll Free 877-768-3331
Email northernlightsparish